Walker Land
Following the land as it was first
purchased and then handed down from generation to generation is almost as fascinating as
the people themselves. It also serves to prove family relationships that would be
difficult to prove otherwise. The first record of our Walker families land in the new world is a 1762 land grant of 193 acres to Moses Walker on the waters of Mayo Creek in what was then Orange County, North Carolina and would become Person County in 1792. His ownership of this land was short lived and he sold it to William McDaniel in 1780. His first purchase of land that stayed in the Walker family after his death is 101 acres on Castle Creek that was purchased from Robert McFarland on May 14, 1765. This was a part of a larger tract the McFarland had received as a land grant in 1748. On January 29, 1772 he purchased an adjacent 220 acres from Paul Harrolson. Paul Harrolson had purchased this land from Robert Jones in 1748, who had received it as part of a much larger land grant. Placement of this land against a background of a present day map was greatly facilitated by several factors. First, a survey for General Joseph Jones (a very influential man from Dinwiddie County, Virginia) was completed in 1803 that showed the Moses Walker line and the Virgina/North Carolina line. Second, a survey for William Baird was completed in 1827 which showed land that overlayed the General Jones survey and showed the 220 acre Moses Walker tract. Third, a survey was completed in 1838 after the death of Buckley Walker (Moses Walker's son) which shows his land and provides some detail of the geography. By taking the land transations which occured in the early 1800's it was possible to determine an accurate ownership map of the Castle Creek area as of 1827. Then moving forward and backwards in time it was possible to show how the land ownership changed. <UNDER DEVELOPMENT - MUCH MORE TO COME>