Known Facts About Moses Walker of Orange/Caswell/Person, NC
March 1756 | Thomas Turk and Margaret, his wife, vs. Moses Walker and Agnes, his wife court case in Augusta County, VA |
1759 | Court case against James Shepard is dismissed in Halifax County, VA |
1760 | His son Jesse Walker was born. |
June 10, 1762 | His son Buckley Walker was born. |
December 31, 1762 | Receives a land grant from the Earl of Granville for 193 acres on Mayo Creek. |
Nov 1764 | Orange County court order - Moses Walker and others to lay out a road from Hugh Barnetts to near the Granville line. |
May 14, 1765 | Purchases 101 acres from Robert McFarland. |
Sept 28, 1771 | John Pryor's will gives land that once belonged to Moses Walker |
Jan 29, 1772 | Buys 220 acres from Paul Harralson on Castle Creek |
June 10, 1777 | Moses Walker appointed overseer of road between Mayo Creek and Thomas Heeleys (Caswell Court Records 1777-1781) |
1777 | Caswell Tax List indicates Moses Walker in Nash District with a property valuation of 1308-1-6 |
Sep 7, 1777 | Moses Walker appointed road overseer from Mayo to the crossroads and to a grand jury |
May 29, 1778 | Moses Walker boundry mentioned in Elkanah Harralson land grant |
July 23, 1778 | Served on Jury in land dispute (Caswell, NC Civil Action Records) |
Aug 21, 1778 | Moses Walker boundry mentioned in Elijah Harralson land grant |
Sept 8, 1778 | Moses Walker boundry mentioned in Paul Harralson land grant |
1778 | Caswell County Tax Record of 413 acres (Caswell Tax Records) |
Jan 11, 1779 | Moses Walker line mentioned in Land Warrant 597 issued to Paul Harrelson |
May 24, 1779 | Moses Walker land boundry mentioned in Herndon Harralson land grant |
Aug 13, 1779 | Served on Jury in land dispute (Caswell, NC Civil Action Records) |
Aug 14, 1779 | Served on Jury in land dispute (Caswell, NC Civil Action Records) |
Oct 1, 1779 | Land Warrant Survey for William and Burgess Harrilson mentions Moses Walker as a witness. |
Dec 6, 1779 | Land Warrant Survey for Thomas Ragsdale mentions Moses Walker as a witness. |
Dec 7, 1779 | Land Warrant Survey for Thomas Person mentions Moses Walker line and as a witness. |
1779 | Caswell County Tax Record of 300 acres, 1 white poll, 5 black polls (Caswell Tax Records) |
June 19, 1780 | Summoned to jury duty. (Caswell Court Minutes 177-1781, p. 147) |
July 19, 1780 | Sells 193 acres on Mayo Creek to William McDaniel. (Caswell, NC DB A, p.642) |
Oct 6, 1780 | Moses Walker and Buckley Walker are witnesses to Robert McFarland's will. |
Oct. 21, 1780 | Witness to land sale from Thomas Douglas to Roger Atkinson on Castle Creek. Robert Walker is also a witness. |
1780 | Caswell County Tax Record of 320 acres, 2 negroes under 5, 3 negroes 5-10, 10-40, 2 horses, 17 cattle, 11.4 cash, 4131.4.0 value (Caswell Tax Records) |
Sept 4, 1781 | Summoned to jury duty (Caswell Court Minutes) |
Apr. 27, 1782 | Served on Jury in land dispute (Caswell, NC Civil Action Records) |
Oct 13, 1783 | Paul Harralson's land on Castle Creek mentioned as adjacent to Moses Walker. |
1784 | His son Buckley Walker marries Mildred Hewell. |
Jan 1, 1785 | Served on Jury in land dispute (Caswell, NC Civil Action Records) |
July 24, 1786 | Summoned to Court as a defendant witness (Caswell, NC Court Records) |
Aug 21, 1786 | Land mentioned as adjacent to 157 acres on Castle Creek that belonged to the now deceased Elkanah Harralson. |
July 1787 | Called to Jury Service (Caswell NC Court Minutes) |
Dec 3, 1787 | Sells 30 acres on Castle Creek to Robert Brooks.(Caswell, NC DB E, p. 257) |
1787 | Witness to land sale from Hugh Barnett to Jacob Bull. William Walker is also a witness. |
1788 | Witness to land sale from Ambrose Long to Jacob Bull. William Walker is also a witness. |
Feb 15, 1788 | Moses Walker was paid in accordance with the estate settlement of Ezekial Haralson. |
1790 | Court record of William McDaniel in debt to Moses Walker |
1793 | Person County Tax Record of 300 acres, no white polls, two black polls. |
1794 | Person County Tax Record of 300 acres, no white polls, three black polls. |
Jan 20, 1785 | Listed as a hand in maintaining the Douglas Road between Mayo Creek to the Crossroads |
1795 | Person County Tax Record of 200 acres, one white polls, two black polls. |
1797 | Person County Tax Record of 300 acres, no white polls, three black polls. |
1798 | Person County Tax Record of 300 acres, no white polls, one black polls. |
1799 | Person County Tax Record of 300 acres, no white polls, three black polls. |
1800 | Person County Tax Record of 300 acres, no white polls, no black polls. |
1801 | Person County Tax Record of 300 acres, no white polls, three black polls. |
1803 | Person County Tax Record of 300 acres, no white polls, four black polls. |
1804 | Person County Tax Record of 300 acres, one white polls, four black polls. |
Aug 4, 1804 | Listed in estate inventory of Joseph Hall |
1805 | Person County Tax Record of 300 acres, one white polls, four black polls. |
May 29, 1806 | Will recorded. (Person, NC Wills, Inventories, Estate Sales and Taxables 1805-1807 p.138) |
June 6, 1806 | Inventory of Estate (Person, NC Probate Records 1792-1807 p. 196) |
Dec 13, 1806 | Moses Walker estate sale of miscellaneous items to Anny Walker, Kathren Fuller, Barnett Donaldson, Buckley Walker Sr. (NC Estate file of Moses Walker) |
Sept 8, 1807 | Moses Walker deceased property sale of Billy and Stepney to satisfy the obligation to Frances Walker, wife of Jesse Walker, deceased son of Moses Walker (NC Estate file of Moses Walker) |
Sept 11, 1807 | Moses Walker deceased property sale of Juno to satisfy the obligation to Frances Walker, wife of Jesse Walker, deceased son of Moses Walker (NC Estate file of Moses Walker) |
Feb 6, 1809 | Thomas Hudgins, husband of Anna Hudgins, formerly the wife of Moses Walker sell 100 acres on Castle Creek formerly owned by Moses Walker to Artha and Larkin Brooks (Person, NC Deed Book 5 1806-1817, p.123) |