Emanuel Walker Emanuel Walker does not occur very frequently in the records. Only one lives in Virginia prior to Buckley Walker's son Emanuel. The prior Emanuel appears in Northumberland County in the late 1600s and early 1700s which incidentally is the same area that another Moses Walker (b.1766 and lived in Middlesex County) comes from. From the St. Stephens Parish Register in Northumberland County we learn that: Emanuel Walker had at least six children:
We also learn from Northumberland County Apprentiships (OB 1699-1713,part 2,757&758) that: Ann Walker orphan of Emanuel and Mary Walker and Richard Walker orphan of same are bound to gaurdians in 1711. We are not certain that this is Emanuel the father or son but it seems to be the father because Nathaniel Walker is born to Emanuel Walker on Sept. 10, 1741. Also, a Northumberland land record dated July 2, 1707 between John Ingram and Ralph Bickley indicates that Emanuell Walker's home is adjacent to Bickley's property. Bickley - Buckley ??? Further records in St. Stephens Parish indicate: Richard Walker had at least seven children by Rachel _______
Mosly - Moses ??? Emanuel Walker leaves a will in Northumberland County, Virginia dated March 3, 1757. This is probably the son of Emanuel mentioned above and born April 23, 1692. The will mentions Wife Eliza and children as follows:
Another Emanuel Walker is mention in the will of Thomas Walker of Somerset County, Maryland of April 26, 1766. Thomas Walker - father, Betty Walker - mother, children as follows:
Note common names to our family of Jesse, Emanuel, Betty
There is an Emanuel Walker in this time period married in Pennsylvania: WALKER, Emanuel and Margaret Matthews, 30 April 1699, Philadelphia, Penn.