Known Facts About Buckley Walker of Bedford/Campbell, Virginia

Buckley Walker is probably Moses Walker's brother. Here is what I know about him.

1752 March 7, Buckley Walker witness land transaction from Lewis Lamkins to William Downman Northumberland Probate Record Book 2, p.169-172
1759 May 11, Duncan Smith & Margaret Smith his wife recognize dower rights of Robert Baber. Witness Buckley Walker & Betty Walker Endorsement of Bond William Webb, William Walker Albemarle Deed Book 2, p.238
1760 May 6, William Webb (grantor) - William Bond (grantee) 300 acres. Witness Buckley Walker, William Howard, John Cannon, James Brown Albemarle Deed Book 2, p.236
1760 June 12 Theodoric Webb & Mary (grantors) Henry Smith (grantee) 392 acres. Witness Buckley Walker, W.Megginson, Joseph Cabell Albemarle Deed Book 2, p.270
1763 Witness to Richard Stith land record Bedford Co. Deed Book 2, p325
1763 Sep 27 Buckley is issued a license to operate an Ordinary. Order Book 3 page 66
1763 Nov 15, Birth of his son Moses.
1764 Nov 27, Buckley Walker ordered to add 1 tythe to his list of Tithables. Bedford Co. Order book 3, pg157
1765 Buckley bought 275 acres on flat creek and troublesome creek and Fishdam Road from James Whitehead and al for 30 pounds. Bedford Co. Deed Book 3, p23
1765 Oct 22, Ordinary License reissued.
1766 Sep 24, Purchased 95 acres of land on both sides of Buffalo Creek (Bedford Deed Book C-3, page 23) from Robert Hughs (9/24/1766)
1769 Jan 26, Sells 95 acres on Buffalo Creek to Joseph Whitehead (C-3, 319), wife Anne relinquishes dower rights
1769 May 23, Ordinary License reissued.
1769 July 26, Buys 275 acres on Flatt and Troublesome Creeks from Joseph Whitehead (c-3, 320)
1769 Birth of Son Emmanuel
July 1770 A law suit is initiated between Buckley Walker (plaintiff) and Robert Baber (defendent)
1771 Birth of Son Benjamin
1772 The court allowed Buckley Walker __ (couldn't read) days attendance Bedford Co. Order Book 4, p76
1775 March 7 Bedford County Survey - Buckley Walker 200 acres on Flat and Troublesome Creeks DB 5 page 316
1775 James Boyd acknowledging perjury as to character of Buckley Walker. They gave false testimony some years ago when Henry Wylie was accused of stealing five horse collars. What James Boyd said about Buckley Walker, he confessed that it was false. Bedford Co. Deed Book 5, pg339
1775 He bought 200 acre adjacent the land which he already owned on Fishdam Rd. Bedford Co. Deed Book 6, p66
1775 He bought 20 acres on branch of Flat and Troublesome Creek. Bedford Co. Deed Book 5, p316
1777 Dec 26, Buckley bought 434 acres of land from James and Winneford Lamkin of Mecklenburg on both sides of Troublesome Creek adj Meade and others for 55 pounds. Bedford Co. Deed Book 6, p5
1777 mentioned in will of James Talbot - owed money for making a hat p.437
1778 May 25, He sold 100 acres to John Saunders. The land was on Troublesome Creek. Bedford Co. Deed Book 6 p.118
1778 May 25, Sold 100 acres on Troublesome Creek to Daniel McCoy Deed Book 6 p.119
1779 Oct. 25, William and Elizabeth Wiley (Willie) sell 200 acres on the east side of Flatt Creek to Robert Walker.   Witnessed by Buckley Walker Bedford Co. Deed Book 6, p347.
1780 July 20, Received a land grant of 200 acres on both sides of Blackwater Rd. between the branches of Flat Creek and Troublesome Creek.  Same land that was surveyed in 1775.
1782 Sept Furnished 46 canteens for the Continental Army. Campbell OB 1 p 84, also Virginia Magazine of History and Biography V36p262
1782 Buckley Walker takes up a stray sorrel horse Campbell County Stray Book p.19
1782 Oct 28, Daughter Jeriah Walker marries Elijah Lynch
1783 Took inventory of William Arthur estate
1783 Buckley was a defendant in a lawsuit brought against him by Francis Thorp. Buckley recovered against the plaintiff his costs for his defense in his behalf. Campbell Co. Order Book 1, pg 246
1783 He was a witness to a deed between John Saunders and wife of Bedford Co. to John Pribb of Campbell. Campbell Co. Order Book 1, p 160
1783 He was a witness when Christopher Irvine and Mary his wife sold land to David Ross and John Hook. Campbell Co. Deed Book 1, p 139
1783 Buckley served on a jury. Campbell Co. Order Book 1-3
1783 Ordered that Buckley Walker be appointed surveyor of the said road from his own house to Anthony's place and it is ordered that the usual hands assist in keeping in good repair. Campbell Co. Order Book 1, p216
1783 On the motion of Robert Walker it is ordered that Buckley Walker pay him 75 pounds of tobacco for 3 days attendance as a witness for him in the suit against William Thorp. Campbell Co. Order Book 1, p246
1783 Ordered that John Roberson be appointed surveyor of the road from Buckley Walker's to the crossroads and with the following hands with their male laboring tithables (viz) Buckley Walker and 14 other men are ordered to assist surveyor in clearing and keeping road in good repair. Campbell Co. Order Book 1, p517
1785 Jan 14, Buckley Walker takes up a yellow bay filly and young bull Campbell County Stray Book p.54
1785 Robert Hughes was appointed surveyor of the road from the Fishdam ford on otter river to Buckley Walkers. Buckley and others were to assist in keeping the road in good repair. Campbell Co. Order Book 1, p157
1785 Property Tax Campbell County - Buckley Walker listed with 1 white over 21 with 5 horses and 14 cattle. His sons Robert, Moses and William are also listed as taxed over the age of 21.
1786 Appraises Walter Mackey estate (along with Robert Walker)
1786 Election held at Buckley Walker's
1786 Ordered that the overseer of the poor bind George Walker and Sally Walker to Buckley Walker and same according to law. Campbell Co. Order Book 3, pg 59
1786 Property Tax Campbell VA- Buckley Walker listed over the age of 21 with 5 horses and 6 cattle. Son Robert also listed over 21.
1787 Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker has two others listed over 16 and under age 21 with 5 horses and 16 cattle. Son Robert listed as well.
1788 May 7, Buckley Walker takes up a black horse. Summoned to appraise Robert Walker, Robert Hughs, Borema Price Campell County Stray Book p.90
1788 Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker over 21 has two others listed over 16 and under age 21 with 5 horses. Son Robert listed over 21 as well.
1789 Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker over 21 has two others listed over 16 and under age 21 with 5 horses. Son Robert listed over 21 as well.
1790 Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker over 21 has one other listed over 16 and under age 21 with 4 horses. Sons Robert and Samuel (Emmanuel) listed over 21 as well. This is the first listing of Emmanuel suggesting he was born circa 1769
1791 Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker over 21 has one other listed over 16 and under age 21 with 4 horses. Sons Robert and Samuel (Emmanuel) listed over 21 as well.
1792 Feb 2 Sally Walker marries James Livingston, Buckley Walker father of the bride, Benjamin Walker bondsman
1792 Apr 5 Elizabeth Walker marries Isaac Butterworth, Buckley Walker father of the bride
1792 Nov 5 Nancy Walker marries William Weber, Buckley Walker father of the bride, Benjamin Walker bondsman
1792 Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker over 21 has no others listed over 16 and under age 21 with 4 horses. Sons Robert, Amanuel (Emmanuel), Benjamin listed over 21 as well. This is the first listing of Benjamin suggesting he was born circa 1771.
1793 Elizabeth Trompkins, daughter of Sarah Trompkins was bound to Buckley Walker by the overseer of the poor in the SW district of Campbell Co. - Order Book 4, p 234
1793 Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker over 21 has no others listed over 16 and under age 21 with 4 horses. Sons Amanuel (Emmanuel) and Benjamin listed over 21 as well. Robert is no longer in the county.
1794 Witness to Barbara Richards land record
1794 Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker over 21 has no others listed over 16 and under age 21 with 4 horses. Son Benjamin listed over 21.
1794 Oct 30, Buckley Walker takes up a black mare. Campbell County Stray Book p.173
1795 Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker over 21 has no others listed over 16 and under age 21 with 4 horses. Son Amanuel listed over 21.
1796 Appraises John Mason estate
1796 April 7, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker over 16 with 6 horses. Sons Amanuel and Benjamin listed over 16.
1797 April 6, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker 3 white males over 16 with 5 horses. Sons Amanuel and Benjamin listed over 16. Who are the 3 white males? Maybe Buckley, William and George (see bond above).
1797 April 17, He sold 22 acres to James Clark for 8 pounds, 8 Shillings, 9 pence. The land was on Flatt creek lying on the side of Irvine Rd - Deed Book 4, p 246
1798 April 9, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker 2 white males over 16 with 5 horses. Sons Amanuel and Benjamin listed over 16. Who are the 2 white males? Maybe Buckley and William? What happened to number 3 from the year before?
1798 May 9, Buckley Walker takes up a bay mare. Campbell County Stray Book p.232
1799 March 29, Buckley Walker, Martin Mason, Micajah Clark appointed appraisers for a stray. Campbell County Stray Book p.246
1799 April 6, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker 3 white males over 16 with 5 horses. Sons Amanuel listed over 16.
1799 Buckley gave his attendance upon the land of John Mason asking for a resurvey.
1800 April 23, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker 2 white males over 16 with 5 horses. Sons Amanuel and Benjamin listed over 16.
1801 July 31, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker with 4 horses. Sons Amanuel and Benjamin listed over 16. Benjamin showing 2 tithes over 16.
1802 July 27, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker with 4 horses. Sons Amanuel and Benjamin listed one tithe over 16.
1803 July 30, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker with 5 horses. Sons Amanuel and Benjamin listed one tithe over 16.
1804 Sept 4, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker with 5 horses. Sons Amanuel and Benjamin listed one tithe over 16.
1805 May 13, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker with 5 horses. Sons Amanuel and Benjamin listed one tithe over 16.
1806 April 14, Buckley and his wife Anne sell 5 acres to John Phillips for 2lbs 10 schillings on the waters of Troublesome Creek. 7-323
1806 May 29, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker with 6 horses. Sons Emanuel and Benjamin listed one tithe over 16.
1807 April 1, Sells 200 acres on Troublesome to Heirs of William Strong, dec’d.- Wife Anny examined privately at home to reliquish dower right because she was unable to travel to the courthouse. 7-525
1807 April 1, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker with 4 horses. Sons Manuel (1 tithe) and Benjamin (2 thithes) listed.
1809 Jan 3, Jemima Walker marries William Phillips, Buckley Walker father of the bride, Benjamin Walker bondsman
1809 Jan 19, Sells 100 acres to Benjamin Walker for $1.00, "being part of the land where Benjamin now lives". Manual Walker witness 8-407
1809 March 10, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker (2 tithes) with 3 horses. Sons Manuel (1 tithe) and Benjamin (1 thithe) listed.
1809 Aug 21, Gives 275 acres to son Emmanuel, also mentions son Benjamin 8-511
1810 Feb 15, Buckley and Emmanuel sell 120 acres to John Phillips 8-608
1810 Chancery Court Record names Buckley's heirs - Elijah Lynch and Jeriah his wife, Emmanuel Walker, Benjamin Walker, Isaac Butterworth and Elizabeth his wife, Moses Walker, Thomas Overstreet and Judith his wife, William Webber and Nancy his wife, William Phillips and Jemima his wife, Frederick Windle and Sally his wife, Children of his deceased son Robert - Patterson, David, Robin, Buckley and Nancy, Children of his deceased son William - Nancey, Jemima, Betsey, Robert.
1810 April 9, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker NOT LISTED. Sons Emanuel (1 tithe) and Benjamin (1 thithe) listed.
1810 Aug 6, Campbell County VA Census - 2 white males 16-25, 1 white male 26-44, 1 white male over 45, 4 enslaved
1811 April 9, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker NOT LISTED. Sons Emanuel (1 tithe) and Benjamin (1 thithe) listed.
1812 March 8, Property Tax Campbell VA - Buckley Walker NOT LISTED. Sons Emanuel (1 tithe) and Benjamin (1 thithe) listed.
April 1812 Motion before the court by Emanuel Walker for Benjamin Walker to bring forth the Will of Buckley Walker deceased. OB 10-383
June 1812 Court Order that Buckley Walker's will was apparently destroyed and the court appoints John Phillips executor OB 10-389
1812 Aug 10, Estate Inventory by Court order of June 1812
July 1812 Benjamin Walker charged with felony destruction of Buckley Walker's Last Will and Testament. He is remanded to jail until the next Superior Court OB 10-412
1814 Elijah Lynch made motion to stay a jdm made agst him by adm of Buckley's estate
1816 Account of Estate of Buckley Walker,dec'd, with John Phillips, adm, shows "1812 payment to Wm Elliott for making a coffin" Campbell Co. Will Book 3, p.427


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