(1648 - 1825)
Some of this information is taken from unsubstantiated secondary sources, but much is from primary sources. Please evaluate the quality or factuality of this information based on the sources.
Sources and Other Information
1 | 1870 Sumner County,
TN Census - Moses Walker age 60, born in TN, laborer, living with him - Betty Wilcox age
26, keeping house, born in TN - Holbeck Wilcox age 9, Sarah Wilcox age 4, Sarah Callas age
23, Amanda Callas age 9, William Callas age 4, Molly Callas age 4 months, James Walker age
16, laborer, Isaac Walker age 13, Clorella Young age 23, black cook, all born in TN. 1850 Sumner County, TN Census - Moses Walker age 40, born in TN, Catherine age 28 born in TN, Cordelia age 14, Elizabeth age 12, Sarah age 7, William age 5, George age 1, Elizabeth Pond age 80 born in MD Marriages of Sumner County, TN 1787-1838, Marriages, 1787-1838, Page 97 - Moses Walker to Catherine Phons on June 11, 1835 |
2 | 1870 Sumner
County, TN Census - Moses Walker age 60, born in VA, miller, Nancy Walker age 40, born
in VA, keeping house, Marion Walker age 13 born in TN, Mary Ann Walker age 5 born in TN,
Nancy Beardan 69 born in VA 1860 Sumner County, TN Census - Moses Walker age 49, born in VA, farmer, Solomon Bearden age 69 born in NC, Nancy Bearden age 62 born in VA, Lucinda Dickenson age 52 born in TN, Thomas Dickenson age 22 born in TN 1850 Sumner County, TN Census - Moses Walker age 38, born in VA, hatter, Unice Walker age 70, born in VA, Susan Ellis age 17, born in VA 1850 Sumner County, TN Census - Solomon Bearden age 54, born in NC, Farmer, Nancy V Bearden age 45, born in NC 1850 Sumner County, TN Census - Thomas Dickerson age 45 born in VA, Physician, Lucilia Dickerson age 40, born in VA, Francis M. age 14, born in TN, Matilda, age 13, born in TN, Thomas J., age 12, born in TN 1880 Mortality Schedule of Little Rock, AR - Age 69, died of malaria, profession a hatter, born in VA, father born in VA, mother born in NC, been in the county for 1 year and 3 months 1880 Census Little Rock, AR - Nancy J Walker, age 5, born in VA, father born in VA, mother born in VA, Mary, daughter, age 15, born in TN, father born in VA, mother born in VA, Marion Townsand, age 22, born in TN, father born in KY, mother born in VA, Drucilla Winns, niece, age 11, born in TN, father born in TN, mother born in KY
3 | 1880 Catahoula
Parish, LA Census - Moses Walker age 76 born in NC, Margaret age 24 born in LA, James
A. age 30 born in LA, Issac H. age 27 born in LA, Moses U. age 20 born in LA 1850 Catahoula, LA Census - Moses Walker age 46 born in NC a planter, Comity age 33 born in MS, Benjamin H. age 8 born in LA, John G. age 5 born in LA, James A. age 2 born in LA 1878 Catahoula Parish Voter Registration - Moses Walker, born in NC in 1804 1870 Catahoula Parish, LA Census - Moses Walker farmer born LA, J.G. 24 born LA, J.A. 21 born LA, I.V 18 born LA, M.E 15 born LA, M.N. 11 born LA Early Catahoula Parish Marriages (1825-1846) - Moses Walker to Charity Baker on Jan. 21, 1841 |
4 | 1880 Androscoggin
County, ME - Moses B. Walker age 67 born in ME, Caroline V. age 64 born in ME, Edgar H.
age 19 born in ME 1850 Cumberland County, ME - Moses B. Walker age 37 born in ME, Caroline V. age 34 born in ME, Elmer V. age 8 born in ME, Flora E. age 3 born in ME 1860 Census Androscoggin County, ME - Moses B. Walker, age 47, born ME, farmer, Caroline V., age 44, born ME, Elmer V., age 18, born ME, Flora E., age 13, born ME, Abegail Valentine, age 85, born MA 1870 Census of Androscoggin County, ME, Moses B. Walker, age 57, born in ME, Caroline, age 54, born in ME, Edgar H., age 9, born in ME, Charles Chaplin, age 20, domestic, born in ME |
5 | 1880 Somerset
County, PA Census - Moses Walker age 58 born in PA, Elizabeth age 61 born in PA,
Winfield age 18 born in PA, Ida age 18 daughter in law born PA, Russel age 1 born in PA
grandson Web Site by Kristine Gibbons- http://uftree.com/UFT/WebPages/KGibbons/KRISTINE/i0000465.htm#i471 1870 Somerset County, PA Census - Moses Walker 48 born PA farmer, Elizabeth 52 born PA, John 22, William 19, Winfield 19, Mary 21 1850 Census of Somerset County, PA - Moses Walker, age 28, born in PA, a farmer, Elizabeth, age 31, born in PA, Caroline, age 6, born in PA, Mary, age 4, born in PA, John, age 1, born in PA 1900 Census of Somerset County, PA - Moses Walker, age 78, born Jan. 1822 in PA, father and mother born in PA, married for 5 years, 10 of 12 living children, Elizabeth, age 63, born June 1836 in PA, Etta Lantz, daughter in law, age 31, born Oct. 1868 in PA 1910 Census of Somerset County, PA - Moses Walker, age 88, born in PA, living in the household of William H. Walker 1860 Census of Somerset County, PA - Moses Walker, age 38, born in PA, a farmer, Elizabeth, age 40, born in PA, Caroline, age 16, Mary, age 14, John, age 12, William, age 9, Anna Rhoads, age 20, servant
6 | 1870 Census of Rockingham County, NH - Moses A. Walker, age 53, born in NH, a blacksmith, Elisa A., age 51, born in NH, Mary J., age 11, born in NH |
7 | 1880
Wilmington County, DE Census - Elizabeth Davis age 59 born PA, Moses M. Walker
age 74 born in PA, Esther Cloud age 61 born in DE, Bayard Walker age 29 born in DE Biographical Annals of Montgomery County, PA - Moses Walker the father of Mrs. Ramsey, was the son of Joseph and Priscilla (Robinson) Walker and was born in Delaware County. He removed to Montgomery County in 1849 and settled on a farm now owned by Mrs. Sarah Walker, where he died on February 4, 1870. |
8 | 1880 Milton County,
WI Census - Moses T. Walker age 73 born in VT, Eunice A. Walker age 66 born in VT, Kate B.
Walker age 23 born in WI, Henry Walker age 20 born in WI 1850 Jefferson County, WI Census - Moses T. Walker age 44 born in VT, Eunice 36 born in VT, Sarah E. 14 born in VT, Charles A. 13 born in VT, Lucy D. 8 born in VT, George 9/12 born in WI 1870 Rock County , WI Census - Moses T. Walker age 63 born in VT, Eunice 54 born in VT, George 20 born WI, Kate 13 born WI, Kenny 10 born WI Records of William Spooner, by Thomas Spooner, 1883, page 272 - Moses F. Walker (born Aug. 14, 1816 son of Aaron and Judith Sanborn Walker) married Eunice Aiken (born April 12, 1814 on Feb. 25, 1835 in Milton, WI Vermont Chronicle 1835 - Moses Walker marries Eunice Bell
9 | 1880 Sullivan
County, NH - Moses Walker age 68 born in NH, Luvina Walker age 58 born in NH 1870 Sullivan County, NH census - Moses Walker 58 born NH farm laborer, Betsy 58 born NH, Luella Walker 15 born NH 1850 Census of Sullivan County, NH - Moses Walker, age 38, born in NH, a farmer, Betsy, age 37, born in NH, Henry, age 15, George, age 8, Eliza A., age 6, Lewis, age 5, Luther, age 5, Melville, age 2, Maria 7/12 (living beside Peter Walker, age 62, a shoemaker History of Cornish, NH - son of Peter Walker and Lucinda Smith, grandson of Moses Walker and Tabitha Barton, married Rachel M. Davis then Betsey Bugbee then Lavinia (White) Austin, children: Henry Warner Walker, George Barstow Walker, Eliza Ann Walker, Martin L. Walker, Louis N. Walker, Melvin Alanson Walker, Maria R. Walker, Luella L. Walker Merrimack and Sulliavan Counties, NH Biographical Review Vol. 22 - Moses Walker , the father of George B. , was born in Cornish in 1812 . He was educated in the town schools, and began his working life as a farmer. Later he did a large business, and became very prosperous. Besides doing more or less general farming, he raised high-bred cattle and horses. Throughout his life he was prominently identified with the Democratic party, and he was several Martha Davis , bore him one child, Henry Warner Walker , who was born in 1831 , and resides in Cornish , engaged in farming. The second wife, christened Betsy Bugbee , was the mother of seven children; namely, George B. , Eliza Ann , Martin L. and Louis N. (twins), Melvin Alanson , Maria , and Luella . Eliza married Hiram York , resides with her husband at South Cornish , and has two children--Elmer E. and Ida . Mr. York is one of the leading farmers of the town. Martin L. Walker , who is a prosperous farmer of Cornish and a Deacon of the Congregational church, married Lizzie Bailey , and has twelve children. Louis Walker , a gunsmith by trade and the owner of considerable property, married Kate Sawtelle , and resides in Ilion, N.Y. Retaining the fondness for flowers that characterized him when a boy, he has built a fine large hot-house, to which he devotes considerable time. He is and always has been a stanch Democrat. Melvin Walker married Lydia Cole , and has one daughter, Fannie . He is likewise a Democrat, and is a sturdy, enterprising farmer. Maria is the wife of Henry Fairbanks , and lives in Claremont , this State. Luella is now the widow of Eastman Bean , and resides in Claremont with her daughter.
10 | 1840 Essex County,
NJ Census - Moses Walker 1 male 0-5, 1 male 20-30, 1 female 0-5, 1 female 20-30 1880 Winnebago County, WI Census - Moses D. Walker age 66 born in NJ, Mary age 51 born in PA, Edward age 26 born in NY, Elizabeth age 24 born in WI, James age 19, born in WI 1870 Census of Winnebago County, WI - Moses D. Walker age 56 born NJ a shoemaker, Mary A. 41 born PA, Edward 16 born NY, Lizzie 14 born WI, James 10 born WI, Harvey 8 born WI 1850 Census of Hudson County, NJ - Moses D. Walker, age 36, born in NJ, a shoemaker, living with the Issac L. Walker, age 38, family 1860 Winnebago County, WI census - Moses Walker, age 40, born RI, a shoemaker, Mary Ann, age 32, born NJ, Edwin, age 6, born NY, Elizabeth, age 4, born WI |
11 | 1840 Grafton County,
NH Census - Moses Walker 1 male 20-30, 1 male 40-50, 2 females 15-20, 1 female 40-50 1880 Grafton County, NH Census - Moses Walker age 88 born in MA, living Hoskins family, Lucy W. Hoskins age 58 born in NH 1850 Grafton County, NH Census, Lyman District - Moses Walker, age 58, born in NH |
12 | 1870 Middlesex
County, Virginia Census - Moses Walker age 48 born in VA, Sarah age 52 born in VA, Debriel
age 21 born in VA, Holland M. age 19 born in VA, George age 13 born in VA 1850 Middlesex County, VA Census - Moses J. M. Walker, age 27, born in VA, a merchant, Sarah F., age 33, Sarah E., age 5, Deborah, age 4, Holland M. 9/12, Sarah Revere, age 63 1860 Census of Middlesex County, VA - M.J.M. Walker, age 37, born in VA, S.F., age 41, D.C., age 13, H.M., age 10, L.R., age 5, George F., age 2, Lucy H. Revere, age 18 Virginia Marriages - Moses J M Walker to Sarah F Reveer on March 25, 1844 in Middlesex County, VA |
13 | 1870 Duplin County, North Carolina - Moses Walker age 55 born in NC, Ann age 35 born in NC, Sallie age 16, Thomas age 14, Ned age 14, Seline age 4 |
14 | 1800
Caroline County, Maryland Census - Moses Walker with 2 males 16 to 26 years of age, 1
male over 45, 1 female 10 to 16 years of age and 1 female over 45 1778 Caroline County, Maryland State Census - Moses Walker in Choptank Hundred Heirs and Legatees of Caroline County, Maryland - 1792 will of Wiliam Edmundson mentions Moses Walker Caroline County, Maryland Land Records - 1783 Precilla Carter sells rights to "Barnett's Purchase" to Moses Walker for 25 lbs. Caroline County, Maryland Land Records - 1792 Samuel Short mortgages personal property to Moses Walker Caroline County, Maryland Land Records - 1793 Peter Taylor Causey and wife Elizabeth sell land "Hog Island" to Moses Walker Caroline County, Maryland Land Records - 1803 Collision family heirs 160a to Moses Walker at "Sherwin's Chance" http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~baldwins/6/1200.htm - Moses Walker was appointed guardian for Richard Collinson and Henrietta Collinson in 1792 which lasted until 1795 when their accounts were closed. Richard Collinson, Jr., died sometime before June 14, 1808, when a guardianship account was filed for his children. The sureties on the bond were Moses Walker and Reuben Collinson. The children were given as Sarah Collinson, Richard Aldern Collinson, and Elizabeth Collinson. Richard married Elizabeth WALKER, daughter of Moses WALKER and Unknown, on 14 Mar 1797 in Caroline County, Maryland, USA. 1783 Caroline County Tax Assessment - Moses Walker. Poplar Ridge, 155 acres. CA Lower Choptank District Hundred LOWER-DELMARVA-ROOTS-L Archives (Re: Moses Walker d. 1816 in Caroline Co., MD), ptodd@fastol.com - Moses Walker was married to Sarah, the widow of John Che(e)zum of Caroline Co., MD before 2 Apr. 1779. See inventory of John Chezum/Cheezum, recorded on the above date (Caroline Co., MD Inventories Lib. JR#A fol. 16). Sarah had four children by her first husband, John Chezum, and these may have been the "other children" that the census records seem to indicate that Moses Walker fathered. http://www.russpickett.com/family/collison.htm - Richard Collinson purchased 160 acres of land called "Sherwins Chance" from one Robert Sherwin for 320 in 1786. Richard became a planter with this purchase. Richard had 4 children: Reuben Collinson, b.ca. 1771, Richard Collinson, Jr., b.ca. 1774, Henrietta Collinson, b.ca. 1779, Sarah Collinson, b.ca. 1780. The birth order of the children has not been verified. All four children were under age at the time of the death of their father. Richard's sister Mary, wife of Peter Caulk, took all four children in and raised them. In 1803 the children collectively sold "Sherwins Chance" to one Moses Walker. Reuben married "Sarah Dawson" on October 27, 1807. Richard married "Elizabeth Walker" on March 14, 1797. Henrietta married "Henry Pickering" on August 10, 1802. |
15 | 1820 Adams County, Ohio Census - Moses Walker with 2 males under 10 years of age, 1 male 10 to 16, 1 male 26 to 45, 3 females under 10, 2 females 10 to 16, 1 female 26 to 45 |
16 | 1820 Licking County, Ohio Census - Moses Walker over 45 years of age |
17 | 1850
Jefferson County, WI census - Moses Walker age 31 born in England |
18 | 1820
Brunswick County, VA Census - Moses Walker 1 free black male 0 to 14, 2 free black males
14 to 26 1840 Brunswick County VA Census - Moses Walker 1 free black male 36 to 55 |
19 | 1830
Coweta County, GA Census - Moses P. Walker 2 males 0-5, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 40-50,
2 females 5-10, 2 females 10-15, 1 female 30-40 1840 Coweta County, GA Census - Moses P. Walker 1 male 0-5, 1 male 10-15, 2 males 15-20, 1 male 50-60, 2 females 5-10, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 15-20, 1 female 20-30, 1 female 40-50 1850 Coweta County, GA Census - Moses P. Walker 63 farmer born in GA, Toinette 57 born in GA, Hannah A. 24 born in GA, Eliz M. 15 born in GA, Martha A. 15 born in GA, Samuel A. 13 born in GA 1820 Census of Morgan County, GA - Moses T. Waker, 1 male 26 to 45, 2 females under 10, 1 female 26 to 45 1860 Census of Coweta County, GA - Moses P. Walker, age 72, born in GA, a farmer, Elizabeth, age 24, born in GA, Martha, age 24, born in GA Georgia Newspaper Clippings - Unclaimed letters in Eatonton, Putnam County, Georgia, Moses P. Walker |
20 | 1830
Vermillion County, IL Census - Moses Walker, 1 male 20-30, 1 female 0-5, 1
female 20-30 1840 Vermillion County, IL Census - Moses R. Walker 2 males 0-5, 2 males 5-10, 1 male 30-40, 1 female 0-5, 1 female 5-10, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 20-30 1850 Crawford County, Missouri Census - MR Walker, 47 born in VA, Belinda 35 born in KY, Sarah C, 20 born in IL, WR, 15 born in IL, RJ, 13, born in IL, LN, 12 born in IL, LB, 10, born in IL, GM, 8 born in IL, R, 6 born in IL, Belinda, 4 born in IL, LE, 2 born in MO Early Marriages of Indiana, Moses R. Walker married Belinda Mood on Nov. 23, 1833 in Washington County History of Maries County, Missouri - Moses Walker came to Missouri in 1844 from Illinois, near Kanville, where he married Belinda Meade. He also married Elizabeth Stratton. He says his grandfather came to this country from England and settled in South Carolina - one son wen to VA and one to KY. He is of the KY branch. He lived in MO until his death in 1855 and had 13 children: Moses, Caroline, William R., Milton, Robert J., Helen, Elizabeth, Arletha, Emilda, Pembrook, Samuel, Alice |
21 | 1840 Livingston County, KY Census - Moses Walker 1 male 0-5, 2 males 5-10, 1 male 30-40, 1 female 0-5, 1 female 30-40 |
22 | 1840
Bristol County, MA Census - Moses Walker 2 males 30-40, 1 male 70-80, 1 female 40-50 Vital Record of Rehoboth, 1642-1896 - Record #: 3:298, Name: Anna Brown, Residence: Rehoboth, Spouse: Moses Walker, Spouse's Residence: Rehoboth, Marriage Date: 10 Apr 1783, Int Date: 10 Mar 1783, By Whom: Rev. Ephraim Hyde Vital Record of Rehoboth, 1642-1896 - Record #: 3:310, Name: Moses Walker, Jr., Residence: Rehoboth, Spouse: Mary Whitaker, Spouse's Residence: Rehoboth, Marriage Date: 29 Mar 1787, Int Date: Feb 1787, By Whom: Daniel Carpenter, Esq. Massachusetts Vital Records, Town of Rehobeth, Bristol County - Moses Walker born Dec. 16, 1760 History of Rehobeth, Carpenter Family, page 267 - Hannah Carpenter was born Nov. 10, 1767 and married Moses Walker in 1790. Moses was born Dec. 16, 1760 and died Jan. 23, 1849. Hannah died Jan 22, 1838. Moses Walker was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary War. He married first Ann Brown of Seekonk, April 10, 1783, she died Feb. 4, 1786, then he married Mary Whitaker, Aug. 14, 1787, daughter of John and Mary Whitaker and she died Feb. 28, 1788. |
23 | 1840
Essex County, MA Census - Moses Walker 1 male 20-30, 1 male 50-60, 1 female 20-30, 1
female 40-50 1850 Haverhill, Essex County, MA Census - Moses Walker 62 born in MA, Elizabeth 58 born in MA, Ann E. 31 born in MA, Moses 33 born in MA a carpenter, Betsy C. 38 born in MA, Abby E. 5 born in MA Massachusetts Vital Records, Town of Haverhill, Essex County - Moses Walker born Jan. 12, 1788 to Nathaniel, Jr. and Hannah World Family Tree V51T2026 - Moses Walker born Jan. 12, 1788 married Elizabeth Ela on Nov. 30, 1815 had two children: Moses Walker born Jan. 12, 1817 and Ann E. Walker
24 | 1840
Worcester County, MA Census - Moses Walker 1 male 70-80, 1 female 60-70 Web site by Rod Bigelow - http://bigelow.simplenet.com/rod/lyd5b91.htm Massachusetts Vital Records, Town of Royalston, Worcester County, - Moses Walker died Feb. 23, 1841, age 68 |
25 | 1840 Sullivan County, NH (Cornish) Census - Moses Walker 1 male 5-10, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 50-60, 1 female 20-30, 1 female 70-80 |
26 | 1840
Washington County, PA Census - Moses Walker 1 male 10-15, 1 male 15-20, 3 males 20-30,
1 male 40-50, 1 female 0-5, 1 female 5-10, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 40-50 1830 Washington County, PA Census - Moses Walker, 1 male 0 to 5, 1 male 5 to 10, 2 males 10 to 15, 1 male 15 to 20, 1 male 30 to 40, 2 females 0 to 5, 1 female 15 to 20, 1 female 30 to 40 1850 Washington County, PA Census - Moses Walker, age 56, born PA, a saddler, Jane, age 56, born PA, Sarah, age 14, born PA, James, age 9, born PA History of Washington County, PA - Moses Walker member of town council in 1832 to 1834 Samuel McMillan Manuscript - Moses Walker died 1855 at 63 years of age, Jane Walker, his wife, died 1858 at 66 years of age Washington Reporter Newspaper - In 1818, 67 years ago, the dwelling house of MOSES WALKER, which stood on OIKE STREET where the house of THOMAS FORSYTH now stands, was entirely consumed by fire together with all its contents. It caught from a stable which stood on the opposite side of the alley, where BROWN'S building now stands. The fire was accidental and was caused by a [------?] leaving[?] [a?] fire in the stable. There was no dwelling house burned in CANONSBURG from that time until last week, a period of 67 years. Canonsburg has certainly been remarkable fortunate as far as fires are concerned. Samuel MacMillan Manuscript - http://www.chartiers.com/sammcmillan/sam-wxyz.html - Moses Walker Canonsburg, 1855, 63 Jane Walker wife of Moses, 1858, 66 Daniel McGill, a native of Ireland, was married in 1765, and remained thirty years afterwards in that country, where his seven children were born. He emigrated to this country with his wife in the year 1796, and settled in Canonsburg, where he bought a lot containing three acres fronting on Pitt Street, now owned by George L. Scott. Here they lived till the close of their lives in 1819, with but a days difference between their deaths. They were buried in what is now Oak Spring Cemetery. The children of Daniel who came to this country with their parents were John, Jenny, Peggy, Eliza, and Hugh. They all settled near Canonsburg except Eliza, who married George Marshman. All were married and raised families of children except Jenny. John McGill, the eldest, emigrated to this country a short time before his father. He married Mary Taggart in Ireland. Her brother Samuel also came to this town, and settled here. John McGill was elected high constable of the borough. In 1805 he owned a horse-mill; in 1809 he kept a tavern. Later he moved to the Bowland farm in Chartiers township, and afterwards returned to Canonsburg, and resided where Mrs. Denny now lives, and where he died. His children were Mary, John, Nancy, Jane, Alexander F., and Hugh. John settled in Pittsburgh. He was a cabinet-maker, and later a druggist. Nancy became the wife of John Haft, of Chartiers township. Jane married Moses Walker. Southeastern Pennsylvania Birth Index - Moses Walker born Dec. 14, 1790 in Philadelphia County at First Baptist Church to John and Sarah Walker Ancestors of John Patton St. Clair http://www.robertfgray.com/genealogy/613.html On Feb. 24, 1848, Dr. St. Clair married Charlotte D. Patton, daughter of John Patton, and she died in June, 1868, the mother of seven children : John P. is mentioned below James H., a veterinary surgeon, is a resident of Blairsville, this county; Charles M. graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1878, practiced with his father for ten years, and is now located in practice at Latrobe, "Westmoreland Co., Pa. (he married Sarah D. Taylor, daughter of Dr. James M. Taylor) ; Charlotte D. is the widow of J. Lesslie Hazlett; Jennie S. died young, in 1862 ; Mary L. married Griffith Ellis; Sarah Josephine resides with her mother in Indiana. Dr. St. Clair married for his second wife, March 30, 1869, Sarah Walker, daughter of Moses Walker, of Washington county, and she survives him, .she and her daughter Sarah Josephine residing in Indiana. |
27 | 1840
Burke County, GA Census - Moses Walker 1 male 30-40, 1 male 40-50, 1 female 20-30 1850 Burke County, GA Census - Moses Walker 44 farmer born in GA 1860 Burke County, GA Census - Moses Walker 55 planter born in GA 1870 Burke County, GA Census - Moses Walker 65 farmer born in GA |
28 | 1840 Jessamine County, KY Census - Moses Walker 1 male 15-20, 1 male 50-60, 1 male 70-80, 1 female 60-70 |
29 | Web
Site Barclay Cemetery in Bradford County, PA - http://rootsweb.com/~pabradfo/cemetery/barclayc.htm 1870 Census of Chester County, PA - Moses Walker 54 born PA a stone mason, Tamazine 45 born PA, Caroline 14, John 10, Ridgeway 9, Annie 12 1850 Census of Chester County, PA - Moses Walker, age 35, born PA, a mason, Thomzin, age 26, born PA, Mary E., age 11, Joseph, age 7, Miller, age 6, Lydia Ann, age 4, James, age 3, John, age ? |
30 | Web
Site - http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/5836/fam00985.htm Massachusetts Vital Records, Town of Hopkinton, Middlesex County - Moses Walker born June 12, 1789 to Timothy and Lois |
31 | Web Site on Isle of Wight Walkers - http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~gemmell/walkdesc.htm |
32 | 1850
Census of New Castle County, Delaware - Moses M. Walker 41 born in PA a grocer, Martha M.
26 born in PA, Mary C. 4 born in DE, Franklin 3 born in DE, Washington 8/12 born in DE,
Elizabeth Nut 39 born in PA, Levi 7 born in IL, Mary J. 5 born in IL 1870 Census of New Castle County, Delaware - Moses Walker 62, born PA, retired teacher, Martha 45, born PA, John Mullady 25, Elizabeth Mullady 24, Byard Walker 20 |
33 | 1850
Census of Madison County, IL - Moses Walker 40 farmer born in NC, Sally H. 42 born in
NH, Sarah E. 14 born in IL, Mary E. 8 born in IL, Elzira A. 6 born in IL, Henry C. 3 born
in IL, David Walker 18 laborer born in KY, William Tucker 35 clerk born in NY 1860 Census of Madison County, IL - Moses Walker, age 50, born NC, a farmer, Mary, age 35, born in England, Sarah, age 18, born IL, Elvira, age 17, born IL, Henry, age 13, born IL, Luella, age 5, born IL, Nicholas W., age 4, born IL, Ellen Neal, age 12, born in France |
34 | IGI -
Moses Walker born Dec. 7, 1673 in Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut Father Jacob Walker
Mother Elizabeth Wheeler History of Ancient Woodbury, CT - p.745, Moses Walker, son of Jacob Walker and Widow Elizabeth Blackman, born Dec. 1673 Families of Fairfield, CT - p.638, Moses Walker, son of Jacob Walker and Elizabeth Wheeler, late wife of Samuel Blackman, daughter of Moses Wheeler |
35 | IGI
- Moses Walker born Dec. 26, 1691 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Father Thomas
Walker Mother Rebecca Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire - Rachel Gent marries Moses Walker on Dec. 29, 1715, widow in Boston in 1728 Boston Births - Rebecca daughter of Moses and Rachel Walker born Dec. 26, 1718 Boston Births - Rachel daughter of Moses and Rachel Walker born Oct. 29, 1716 Boston Town Records - Moses Walker born Dec. 26, 1691 to Thomas and Rebecca Walker December 1, 1746 John Blake and wife Susanna deed to Samuel Welles, Esq., 1/2 part of land which was set forth out of estate of Thomas Walker, deceased, to children of his son Moses, deceased. |
36 | IGI
- Moses Walker born Oct. 11, 1708 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts Father Samuel Walker
Mother Bethea Reade Bristol Co., MA probate records, Will of Moses Read, May 28, 1716. Grandson Moses Walker (under 21), son of Samuel Walker(son-in-law) and Bethiah Walker (daughter), both deceased. Moses Reade, decd on April 20, 1724 is the guardian of Moses Walker and Oliver Walker, sons of Samuel Walker and grandsons of Capt. Samuel Walker Bristol County, MA Probate Records - Will of Moses Reade of Rehobeth, May 28, 1716, grandsons Moses Walker and Oliver Walker Bristol County, MA Probate Records - Division of Samuel Walker, Jr. estate on Dec. 7, 1713 mentions wife Ruth and children Oliver, Moses and Ruth |
37 | Kentucky
Marriages to 1850 - Miller, Catherine married Walker, Moses on 08 Aug 1805 in
Fleming County, Kentucky East Kentuckians In the Ky Penitentiary - Moses Walker of Fleming County, 2 year sentence for hog stealing in 1807
38 | Vital Record of Rehoboth, 1642-1896 - Record
#: 3:326, Name: Sarah Bowen, Residence: Rehoboth, Spouse: Moses Walker, Spouse's
Residence: Rehoboth, Marriage Date: 15 Mar 1753, Int Date: 30 Dec 1752, By Whom: Rev. John
Greenwood History of Rehobeth, Carpenter Family, page 114, Deliverance Carpenter was born Feb. 27, 1737 and married Samuel Read, Jr. on Aug. 19, 1762, married 2nd Moses Walker (born Oct. 5, 1726 died 1806) |
39 | 1850
Haverhill, Essex County, MA Census - Moses Walker 62 born in MA, Elizabeth 58 born in
MA, Ann E. 31 born in MA, Moses 33 born in MA a carpenter, Betsy C. 38 born in MA, Abby E.
5 born in MA Massachusetts Vital Records - Moses Walker born Jan. 12, 1817 to Moses Walker in the town of Haverhill in Essex County |
40 | Web
site by PW Barton - http://www.nh.ultranet.com/~pwbarton/barton/i0002606.htm Colonial Gravestone Inscriptions in New Hampshire - Croydon Cemetery (Corbin's Park) Moses Walker 1761 - 1822 1790 Census of Cheshire County, NH - Moses Walker, 1 male under 16, 2 males over 16, 2 females over 16 Vital Records of Croydon, NH - wife of Moses Walker (Tabitha) died on June 26, 1790 of rose cancer, 34 years old Vital Records of Croydon, NH - Moses Walker died on Nov. 8, 1822 of dropsy at 61 years old Mountain Cemetery Croydon, NH - Moses Walker died Nov. 8, 1822 aged 61 years Vital Records of Croydon, NH - Moses Walker and Miss Esther Smith, both of Croydon, were joined in marrige on Oct. 28, 1791 by Rev. Jacob Haven History of the Town of Cornish, NH - Moses Walker was the ninth child of Obadiah Walker and Hepsibah Shumway |
41 | Walker Family History web site - http://members.tripod.co.uk/walker_familyhistory/html/baptism.htm |
J. Fletcher Brennan, Biographical Cyclopaedia and Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Men,
with an Historical Sketch, of the State of Ohio (Cincinnati: J. C. Yorston, 1879). Harbert
Davenport, History of the Supreme Court of the State of Texas (Austin: Southern Law Book
Publishers, 1917). James R. Norvell, "The Reconstruction Courts of Texas,
1867-1873," Southwestern Historical Quarterly 62 (1958). Randolph B. Campbell
- WALKER, MOSES B. (1819-1895). Moses B. Walker, Supreme Court justice, was born on July
16, 1819, in Fairfield County, Ohio, the son of John and Mary (Davis) Walker. Henry Winter
Davis, the United States Representative from Maryland who played a major role at the onset
of Reconstruction,qv was his first cousin. Walker attended Woodward High School
in Cincinnati, Augusta College in Kentucky, and Yale College. After three years at Yale,
he attended Cincinnati Law School and read law in Springfield, Ohio, before opening an
office in Dayton, Ohio, and practicing law from 1846 until 1861. During this period he was
elected to a term in the Ohio Senate (1850-51). At the outbreak of the Civil War,qv
Walker volunteered and became colonel of the Thirty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry. As a
member of Gen. George Thomas's Army of the Cumberland throughout the war, he took part in
virtually every major battle in which that army was engaged except Missionary Ridge. He
was wounded three times at Chickamauga and reportedly had to be tied in the saddle due to
fatigue and loss of blood. He was brevetted brigadier general of volunteers, served in the
Atlanta Campaign, and concluded the war with the rank of brevet lieutenant colonel in the
regular army as well as his volunteer command. At the end of the war Walker left the army
briefly and ran unsuccessfully, in 1866, for the United States House of Representatives.
He returned to active duty in 1868 and took part in the military occupation of Texas. In
April 1869 Gen. Joseph J. Reynoldsqv appointed him judge of the Fourth Judicial
District. He held that position only until November 27, 1869, when he was appointed to the
state Supreme Court to replace Albert H. Latimer.qv When the Constitution of
1869qv went into effect, Governor Edmund J. Davisqv appointed him an
associate justice on the reorganized three-man Supreme Court, on July 11, 1870. As a
member of that court in 1873 Walker wrote the opinion in the "Semicolon Court"qv
case, which ruled invalid the election in which Richard Cokeqv defeated Davis
for the governorship. The ruling did not overturn Coke's victory, however, and when Coke
appointed a new five-man Supreme Court in January 1874, under the terms of an 1873
constitutional amendment, Walker lost his position on the bench. Immediately upon the end
of his tenure on the court, Walker left Texas and moved to Kenton, Ohio, where he resumed
law practice. After serious injury in a fall in December 1879, he retired and lived on a
farm in the suburbs of Kenton. Walker was married twice: to Maria Van Skyack in 1842 and,
following her death in 1853, to Mary Hitt in 1855. With his first wife he had three
children, and with his second, eight. Walker held the highest office in the Texas state
government attained by any "carpetbagger"qv during the era of
Reconstruction.qv He came with the army, almost certainly with no intention to
stay in the state, but his motivation appears to have been primarily that of a Unionist
patriot. During the war he had made speeches intended to build support for the Union
military effort. As a lawyer and judge he was, in the words of James R. Norvell,qv
who served on the Supreme Court nearly a century later, "a lawyer of ability [who]
possessed some literary talent. Even the Semicolon decision demonstrated that he was a
skilled technician." Moses B. Walker died at Kenton, Ohio, in 1895. History of Ohio, Hardin County Biographical Sketches - His ancestry on the paternal side is traced to John Walker a native of England who migrated to the colonies with Lord Baltimore and settled in Maryland. His grandfather, Ignacius Walker, was a lineal descendent of John Walker and was born on the Potomac River in Virginia 1860 Census of Montgomery County, OH - Moses B. Walker, age 41, born OH, Attorney, Mary H., age 30, born IA, Mary E., age 17, born OH, John O., age 14, born OH, Grace M., age 12, born OH, Willis S., age 4, born OH, Harriet R., age 3, born OH, Mosella, age 9/12, born OH, Catherine Walker, age 50, born KY, George F. Walker, age 28, born KY, attorney Marriages of Montgomery County, OH - Moses Walker to Maria Van Scoyck on Nov. 11, 1842 |
43 | "Taken
from Family Bible in Possession of Frances Nunally Blake, great-granddaughter of Moses
James Mandrid Walker: Bible Entries (published 1818) -Moses Walker, son of Franey and Sarahann his wife, born in year of our Lord 1776 on January 15th-- Died 1836 -Joanna Walker, d of Peter Revere and Hannah his wife was born in year of our Lord 1772 on March 14, and was married in 1792 Sept 22-- Died Oct. 28 1826 -Holland Walker, son of Moses and Joanna, and Deborah E.C. Robinson, d of John Robinson and Debby, were married 26th Oct. 1820-- Died March 30, 1834 -Hiram Walker, son of Moses and Joanna, and Eliza L. Barrick (d of Robt. Barrick and Lucinda his wife) married March 28, 1826-- died Feb 3, 1861 -? Northern, son of Major Northan and Rebecca his wife, and Cordelia Walker, d of Moses and Joanna, married May 15, 1827 -Holland Walker and Annm., d of Isaac and Sarah Revere, married May 25, 1837-- Died March 6, 1842 Holland Walker and Julia J. Walker, ? of the late George Walker and who was d of Robt. and Letitia Blake, married March 29, 1848-- Died Feb 8, 1867 1. Holland, s of Moses and Joanna born
May 25, 1799 died Sept. 15, 1881 |
44 | Will
of John Walker, Nov. 20, 1803 in Rowan County, North Carolina, Book E, page 22, sons:
William given bonds on James Gott and Garnett Smith and 150 acres on susa bolls branch of
Turkey Creek in Chester County, South Carolina, Moses given 5 shillings, and John given 5
shillings, daughters Rachel, Rebecca, and Agness given 1 shilling each, Exr. John
Haley of Guilford, NC, Wit: William Montoree, John Rich. Chester Co., SC Court Order Book A, 1785, page 63 - Moses Walker fined according to law Chester Co., SC Court Order Book B, 1790, page 249 - Rev. Joseph Alexander, Plaintiff against John Walker (Miller), defendant - Moses Walker the defendant's son confessed judgement making him a party to the suit Chester Co., SC Court Order Book B, 1790, page 199 - John Love (Cordwinder), Plaintiff against John Walker (Miller), Defendant, issue to Wilkes Co., GA for deposition of John Walker, Jr., Rebecca Walker and Rachel Walker. Wilkes Co., GA Headright Grant, Book LLLL, page 911, 1795, 173 acres Wilkes Co., GA Tax Records, 1790 to 1796, Moses Walker, 173 acres on Lick Creek Wilkes Co., GA Tax Records, 1797 to 1800, Moses Walker, 73 acres on Lick Creek Wilkes Co., GA Inventories and Appraisements, Dec. 7, 1795, William Kelly, dec'd. Sale . Mrs. Hannah Kelly, Joshua, Robt., and John, Hammock, Joel and Bartley Towns. Henry Green and Peter Perkins purchasers. John Ramey and James Turner acted as clerk and crier. Wilkes Co., GA Inferior Court, July 27, 1801. William Kelly, dec'd. John Walker appointed Admr. de bonis non instead of Hannah Kelly, Admx, dec'd. John Hendrick and William Anderson, Security. Wilkes Co., GA Inferior Court, July 28, 1801. James Kelly, dec'd., will probated, Hannah Kelly and Pleasant Walker appointed Excrs. Wilkes Co., GA Inferior Court, Sept. 1, 1800. Nancy Kelly, 14 and Jency, orphans of Wm. Kelly, dec'd, John Walker appointed guardian, Archibald Simpson, Security. Moses Walker appointed guardian of Samuel Kelly 14, and James Kelly, orphans of Wm. Kelly, dec'd. Wilkes Co., GA Inferior Court, Sept. 1, 1800, John Jones, Admr. by his marriage with Hannah, Admx and widow of Wm. Kelly, has wasted the estate. To be taken into custody of sheriff till he makes a settlement. Wilkes Co., GA Tax Records, 1801, Moses Walker, 73 acres on Lick Creek, 100 acres on Hardins Creek Wilkes Co., GA Tax Records, 1802, Moses Walker, 136 acres Wilkes Co., GA Tax Records, 1804, Moses Walker, 173 acres on Hardins Creek Wilkes Co., GA Tax Records, 1805, Moses Walker, 173 acres on Hardins Creek, defaulter Wilkes Co., GA, Nov. 5, 1811 - KELLY, WILLIAM, dec'd. est. John Walker, admr de bonis non. Paid Wm., and John Kelly and Moses Walker, gdn of Samuel and Jas. Kelly $225.00 each Wilkes Co., GA, William Kelly, dec'd estate, Moses Walker receives $132.00 as guardian of John Kelly and returns of Moses Walker as guardian of Samuel and James Kelly, Mar. 1802 Wilkes Co., GA, Moses Walker, 1806 Land Lottery Wilkes Co., GA, Dec. 4, 1797, Moses Walker witnes to land sold by William Parker to Sampson Parker Wilkes Co., GA, Jan. 8, 1801 John Jones sells Moses and John Walker a slave and miscellaneous household goods for $500.00 1830 Census of Jasper County, GA - Moses Walker, 1 male 50-60 - Note that a Mose Walker appears in Burke, Jasper and Coweta in 1830 and therefore they are three separate individuals 1820 Census of Jones County, GA - Moses Walker, 1 male over 45 - Note that a Mose Walker appears in Burke, Jones and Morgan in 1830 and therefore they are three separate individuals Wilkes Co., GA, Original Papers, KELLEY, WILLIAM dec'd. Hannah Kelley app. admx Apr. 27, 1791. Moses Walker, Sec. Warrant of apprmt May 17, 1791. Samuel Harper, John Conner, Nathaniel Jackson, apprs. Note for L2. 10s. against Josiah Moncrief, cattle, hogs, household goods. Receipt of Josiah for above amount to Hannah Kelly, admx Oct. 27, 1791. Returns for 1791 paid Samuel Brown tuition for Wm. and Johney Kelly. Sale Dec. 7, 1795, Mrs. Hannah Kelly, Jas. Parker, Joshua, Robt. and John Hammock, David Haddaway, John Walker, Jos. Moran, Thos. Dorster, Henry Green, Joel and Bartley Towns, Robt. Gardner, John Clarke, Joshua Hale, Jane Jones, Peter Perkins, Edward Harrison, Solomon Gammage, John Ramey, purchasers. Returns for 1797 tuition for Jas. and Nancy Kelly. Hannah Jones late Hannah Kelly and her husband John Jones, admrs. John Jones app admr Sep. 6, 1800, because of his intermarriage with Hannah Kelly, admx and relict of Wm. Kelly, dec'd. Moses and John Walker, Sec. J. Battle, Reuben Lockett, Test, Receipt of Wm. Kelly for $173.00 part of his legacy Oct. 26, 1804. Receipt of Nancy Ray, formerly Nancy Kelly and her husband Usery Ray to her gdn John Walker for their share of personal est. Dec. 21, 1804. John Walker's acct for board for Jincy Kelly, 1802. John Walker's receipt for clothes for Wm. Kelly, Jr. for 1803. Moses Walker's receipt as gdn for John Kelly for $132.00 Jan. 1805. John Walker app admr. de bonis non of Wm. Kelly, dec'd. Jul. 27, 1801. Moses Walker, admr, 1807. Receipt of John Kelly to John Walker, admr Mar. 22, 1805, for his distributive share of personal est in full. Returns of John Walker, admr 1811, paid Moses Walker, gdn of Samuel and Jas. Kelly in 1804 part of legacy. Receipts of Edmund Dismukes and Jas. McFarland Jan. 1802 to John Walker, admr pay for board for Wm. Kelly. Receipt of Jos. Henderson for tuition for Nancy Kelly 1802. Returns of Moses Walker, gdn of Samuel and Jas. Kelly Mar. 1802, paid for letters of guardianship and for stamped paper. Receipt of Samuel Kelly to his gdn Moses Walker Aug. 30, 1805 for his legacy in full of his fathers and mothers estates. Received of Gustavus Hendricks Jan. 13, 1806, $80.00. Lent out to Rebecca Walker, $20.00. To Thos. Kent, $20.00 this in returns of Moses Walker, gdn. Moses receipt Sep. 1805 to John Walker, admr for Samuel and Jas. Kelly's shares in full. Receipt of Wiley Davis to John Walker, gdn for $231.00 in full of his distributive share, Jan. 29, 1807. Return of John as gdn for Jane Kelly 1811, says paid Wiley Davis $231.00. Wilkes Co., GA, Aug. 25, 1803, Nathaniel Day sells Moses Walker 100 acres on Hardens Creek for 80 lbs., part of tract originally granted to Nathaniel Jackson. Recorded Mar. 8, 1805. Wilkes Co., GA, Dec. 7, 1810, Moses Walker sells 100 acres on Hardens Creek to William Pounds Georgia, Jasper Co., Dec. 24, 1832 In
the name of God Amen. I Moses Walker of the State and County aforesaid being conscious of
my approching departure and knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die, that
being in proper senses and memory to make, ordain and constitute this my Last Will and
Testament. First of all I reccomendmy soul to God who gave it and my body I reccomend to
the earth to be buried in a Christian like manner nothing doubting but that I shall
receive it again at the Great Day of the Resurrection by the Almighty power of him who
gave it. And as touching my worldly effects I give and bequeath in the following manner.
(viz.) (1st) I give to Rachael Hammock five dollars. (2nd) I give to John Walker five
dollars (3rd) I give to William Walker five dollars (4th) I give to Nancy Greene five
dollars (5th) I will that after paying my just debts that thirty dollars be paid towards
building a _______ at Rock Spring Camp Ground. (6th) I will that my landed property be
sold and the proceeds thereof to be appropriated as following, fifty dollars to the
publishing fund of the Methodist Episcopal Church in New York and forty dollars to
indigent worn out separated preachers of the Methodist E. Church in the State of Georgia
and I futher Will and Bequeath to the widows and children of worn out preachers as
aforesaid the sum of one hundred dollars. (7th) I bequeath to Yellow River and Cedar Creek
Circuits fifty dollars each a year to make up the deficiency of the preachers pay and that
my stock of hogs, ox cart and oxen, household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools,
corn and food and hortses be sold and the proceed of the sale be given to make up the
allowance of the preachers in Yellow River and Cedar Creek Circuits of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, twenty dollars each, as far as the proceeds aforesaid may go. And I
futher Will that my negro girl Lutilda at my death be given to Moses Weldon provided that
Weldon shall pay the sum of four hundred dollars for her in three equal installments.
(viz.) One hundred thirty three dollars and 33/00 the first year that Weldon has
possession of said negro, the money to be paid out for hymn books for the use of poor
Methodist people that is not able to buy them. The 2nd year he will pay the same amount to
Watson's Theological Institute for the use of the aforesaid. The third year he shall pay
the same amount for the ___ of ____ and ______ ______ for the purposes aforesaid, all to
be approiated within the limits of Georgia. I appoint Moses Weldon my Executor to execute
my Last Will and testament. Dated 10 October 1832. James Kelley was born about 1785, and died
Nov. 18, 1849, on his plantation on the Yocoma River in LaFayette County, Mississippi,
where he was a prosperous farmer. Before moving to Mississippi about 1845, he had lived in
Georgia., probably in Jones County, not far from Macon, and then in Coweta County for a
few years. He was married twice, and left ten children and many descendents today in
Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas. |
45 | |
46 | 1790
Laurens Co., SC Census, Old 96 District, page 74, Moses Walker, 1 free white male over
16, 1 free white male under sixteen, 1 free white female over sixteen Laurens Co., SC will book A-38, June 1, 1791, wife: Elizabeth, brother: Jatthro, Father: John, Mother: Elizabeth Land Record of Laurens, SC - John Walker, a Cooper, gives deed of gift to son Jathro Walker of 100 acres of mill land July 18, 1796 |
47 | 1850
Woodford Co., KY Census, Moses A. Walker, age 29, born KY, a farmer,
Louisa, age 24, born KY, James M., age 8, born KY, Elijah F., age 7, born KY, Mary J., age
5, born KY, Zachary T., age 3, born KY 1860 Census Mississippi County, MO - Moses Walker, age 38, born KY, a farmer, Louisa, age 33, born KY, James, age 19, born KY, Elijah, age 16, born KY, Mary, age 15, born KY, Zachariah, age 12, born KY, John S., age 8, born KY, Moses, age 6, born KY |
48 | Cemeteries
around Tuscaloosa, AL - Boy's Colony Pasture, Rice's Valley Rd. - Julia Hill Walker
1853-1912, WR Walker, CSA May 26, 1834-October 7, 1894, Elizabeth Terrill Walker
1812-1884, Moses Pierce Walker 1810-1866, Robert Walker August 4, 1768 - October 13, 1842,
Magey, consort of Robert Walker March 23, 1779 - June 12, 1858, Robert B. Walker, February
18, 1813 - October 20, 1840 Alabama, 1800-1900 Marriage Index - Moses Walker marries Elizabeth M. Terrell on Feb 20, 1834 in Tuscaloosa County 1860 Census of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, page 128 - Moses (or Marcus) P. Walker, age 50, born in GA, Ellen M., age 48, born in GA, William R., age 25, born in AL, John J., age 18, born in AL, Cynthia S., age 14, born in AL, Julia H., age 12, born in AL "Dictionary of Alabama Biography" by Dr. Thomas M. Owen, Vol. III, page 1716, Chicago Publishing Co., 1921 - WALKER, HICKMAN PIERCE, merchant, was born February 8, 1839, at Tuscaloosa; son of Robert B. and Frances Elizabeth (Spiller) Walker, the former a merchant, was born at North Port; grandson of Moses Walker, of North Port, and of Hickman and Sally (Payne) Spiller of Danville, Va. He received his early education in the county schools of Taylorsville and attended the University of Alabama; entered the Confederate Army, July 13, 1861, as 2nd Lieutenant, Co. G; made Lieutenant Colonel, 18th Alabama Infantry Regiment, in the retreat from Tennessee, under General J. B. Hood. He was a member first board of education of Tuscaloosa. He is a democrat; Baptist; and a Mason. Unmarried. Residence: Tuscaloosa. |
50 | Moses Walker, born about 1724, was a sixteen-year-old "mulatto" boy who was listed in the Stafford County estate of Edward Derrick on 13 May 1740 [WB Liber M, 1729-48, 295]. He and his wife were taxable "Mulatoes" in Bladen County in 1768, taxable "free Negroes" in 1770 and 1771, "Mixt Blood" taxables in 1774, and taxable in 1775. His wife was probably Mary Walker, a "free Negro" head of a household of one Black from 12-50 and one over 50 or under 12 years of age in 1786 [Byrd, Bladen County Tax Lists, I:7, 26, 67, 124; II:39, 175]. Mary was head of a Fayetteville, Cumberland County household of 1 "other free" in 1790 [NC:42] and 3 in 1800. from http://www.freeafricanamericans.com/Walden_Webster.htm |
51 | North
Carolina Marriages - Moses Walker marries Mary Walker on Jan. 12, 1791 in Mecklenburg
County, NC Will of James Walker of Mecklenburg Co., NC, mentions children Matthew, Moses, Robert, Elizabeth and Martha 1820 Census of Livingston County, KY - Moses Walker, 1 male 0-10, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 16-18, 2 males 16-26, 1 male over 45, 2 females 0-10, 1 female 16-26, 1 female over 45 1830 Livingston County, KY Census - Moses Walker 1 male 10-15, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 60-70, 1 female 15-20, 1 female 50-60 |
52 | LDS IGI |
53 | LDS IGI |
54 | LDS IGI |
55 | 1870 Census of Ford County, IL, Patton Township, page 12 - Moses Walker age 47 a farmer born in KY |
56 | 1870 Census of Union County, IL - Moses O. Walker 50 a brick mason, Sarah Walker 49, Nancy C. Walker 16, John Walker 19, Robert W. Walker 10, Catherine Graver 81, all born in NC |
57 | 1880 Census
of Rockingham County, NH - Moses Walker age 62 born in NH, Eliza A. age 62
born in NH, Alfred M. Clough age 33 born in NH (son in law), Mary J. Clough age 21 born in
NH 1870 Census of Rockingham County, NH - Moses A. Walker 53 born NH a blacksmith, Elisa A. Walker 51 born NH, Mary J. 11 born NH 1860 Census of Merrimack County, NH - Moses A. Walker, age 43, born NH, a farmer, Eliza A. Walker, age 41, born NH, Richard, age 19, a farm laborer, Mary, age 1 |
58 | 1870
Census of Burlington County, NJ - Moses Walker 60 born NJ, Catherine 50 born NJ,
Maggie 10 born NJ, Thomas Walker 15 born NJ, Maggie Gran 12, John Gran 6, Mary Gran 3,
Bridget Gran 25 1860 Census of Ocean County, NJ - Moses Walker, age 40, born Ireland, Catherine, age 40, born Ireland, Thomas, age 10, born Ireland, Robert, age 5, born Ireland, Margarett, age 9/12, born NJ, Catherine, age 7, born Ireland |
59 | Genealogical
Register of Plymouth Families - Moses Walker marries Dulcina Kempton Vital Records of Croydon, NH - Moses wlaker and Dulcena Kempton, intention of marriage published on Jan. 24, 1831 (doesn't fit with brith date) |
60 | Montgomery
County, Maryland Marriages - Moses Walker to Tabitha Johnson on Dec. 31, 1800 Family Tree Maker V20T0110 - Moses Walker married to Tabitha Johnson, one child Alfred Walker born Oct. 20, 1807 |
61 | Massachusetts
Vital Records, Town of Woburn, Middlesex County - Moses Billings Walker born Dec. 4
,1780, baptised Dec. 10, 1780, son of Edward and Abigail Walker Massachusetts Vital Records, Town of Burlington, Middlesex County - Moses B. Walker died Feb. 12, 1821, age 38 |
62 | Massachusetts Vital Records, Town of Athol, Worcester County - Moses Walker born in 1821 |
63 | Massachusetts
Vital Records, Town of Brokfield, Worcester County - Moses Walker died Oct. 12, 1805 Massachusetts Vital Records, Town of Brokfield, Worcester County - Moses Walker born Oct. 28, 1768 to Oliver and Elisabeth |
64 | see
entire website
65 | Massachusetts
Vital Records, Town of Royalson, Worcester County - Moses Walker born on March 1, 1792
to Elijah and Abigail Walker 1860 Census of Caledonia County, Vermont - Moses Walker, age 68, born MA, Marie, age 56, born VT, Ellen Woods, age 9, born VT |
66 | Southeastern Pennsylvania Births - Moses Walker baptised on Jan. 4, 1759 in Lancaster County, the son of John and ? Walker |
67 | First Families of America, Vol 4, page 587 - Moses Walker (1793 - 1833 son of Elisha Walker and Judith Kirby) married Frances Elizabeth Glass (1807 - 1897) |
68 | Family
Tree Maker V05T1565 - Moses Walker married to Susan Byne, had children Isaiah, Moses,
Maria, Francis, Margaret, Alexander. Moses the son married Miss Dillard 1820 Census of Burke County, GA - Moses Walker, 2 males 0-10, 1 male 10-16, 2 males 26-26, 1 male 26-45, 1 female 0-10, 1 female 16-26, 1 female 26-45 1830 Census of Burke County, GA - Moses Walker, 1 male 15-20, 2 males 20-30, 1 male 50-60, 1 female 5-10, 1 female 15-20, 1 female 20-30 Morgan County, Georgia Will Book B, page 44 - Will of Enoch Walker names brothers: John, Moses, George, and David dec'd, sister: Elizabeth Jones dec'd. Also, nephew: John Jones and nieces: Rebecca, Easther, Eliza, and Peggy. A note for $800 that was given to his brother David from William Byne. Executors: John and Moses Walker. Sept. 1, 1817 Library of Congress "John Walker from Ireland, 1720" Robert Walton Walker transcribed by Ellet Carswell Walker, Georgia - Thomas Walker (b1710)>Thomas Walker(b1677)>Gov George Walker, DD; Thomas Walker (b1710) emmigrated to South Carolina then settled in Richmond County, GA near Hepsibagh in 1756 and raised large family and many of his descendants still live in that county. (1930's) George Walker (b1720)>George (b1695)>John Walker(b1671)>Gov George Walker, DD George Walker (b1720) settled in 1756 on Briar Creek, in Burke County, GA and married Mary Duhart 1756. They had 12 children: Mary Walker b 12/10/1757 married General William Byne; Esther Walker b 2/29/1759 married ____ Carter; John Walker b 9/5/1760 married Francis Byne (Gen'l Byne's sister); Elizabeth Walker b 12/25/1761 married John Jones; George Walker b 11/14/1763 settled in Pulaski County; William Walker b 9/5/1765 setled in Putnam then Harris County; Rebecca Walker b 10/5/1767 married Henry Byne; Thomas Walker b 2/3/1769 unknown fate; David Walker b 9/3/1771 never married; Enoch Walker b 1/22/1773 never married; Margaret Walker b 1/30/1775 married Reuben Reynolds; Moses Walker b 5/2/1776 |
69 | Family
Tree Maker V07T4400 - Moses Walker born 1822, son of John Walker and Juliette LaHue,
from Canada, siblings Charles, Sophia, Thomas, William Family Tree Maker V09T2143 - Moses Walker born 1822, son of Moses and Henrette Walker, born Feb. 1822 in Canada, died June 8, 1894 in Clinton Co., NY, buried St.John Bap.Ceme, Keeseville, Essex, New York , married Harriet Tyron, died July 20, 1891 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, children: Emily, Joel, Nelson, Melchior, Julia, Virgina, Maria, Moses Frederick, Joseph Napolean 1850 Census of Essex County, New York - Moses Walker, age 26, born in Canada, Harriet, age 24, born in Canada, Emily, age 5, born in NY, Jerrett, age 2, born in NY, Philanda Squire, age 18, born in Canada 1860 Census of Essex County, New York - Moses Walker, age 39, born in Lower Canada, Carpenter and Jimer, Harriet, age 35, born Lower Canada, Emily, age 15, born in NY, Joel, age 12, born NY, Nelson, age 9, born NY, Marie, age 7, born NY, Mana, age 6, born NY, Frederick, age 4, born NY, Paulette, age 1, born NY 1870 Census of Essex County, New York - Moses Walker, age 47, born in Canada, a carpenter, Harriet, age 45, born Canada, Nelson, age 19, born NY, Marie, age 17, born NY, Nannie, age 15, born NY, Fred, age 13, born NY, Julie H., age 11, born NY, Mary, age 7, born NY, Napolean, age 4 |
70 | 1850
Jefferson County, OH Census - Moses W. Walker, age 30, born PA, a cooper, Caroline,
age 29, born OH, Cadwalader, age 6, William, age 4, Mary, age 2 Marriages of Jefferson County, OH - Moses Walker to Carolina Ohara on June 11, 1843 |
71 | 1870
Washington County, NY Census - Moses Walker, age 48, born Upper Canada, a farmer, Mary
S., age 43, born NY, Solomon, age 18, born NY, Sarah E., age 11, born NY, Charlotte, age
8, born NY, William, age 5, born NY, Mary, age 2, born NY, William Walker, age 30, born
NY, laborer, Lester E., age 19, born NY, student 1860 Washington County, NY Census - Moses Walker, age 38, born Canada, a farmer, Mary, age 33, born NY, Solomon, age 8, born NY, Sarah E., age 3, born NY, Thomas Archer, age 48, born NY, a laborer Woodlands Cemetery, Cambridge, Washington County, New York - Moses Walker born 1821, died 1893, parents: John Walker and Juliaette Moerough - Solomon Walker born 1852 died 1895 parents Moses Walker and Mary Sophia Fletcher - Mary S. Fletcher born 1827 died 1914, parents: Solomon Fletcher and Hannah Wilcox, wife of Moses Walker - Eycleshymer, Mary, b. 1871, d. 1923, sp. Adelbert Eycleshymer, par: Moses Walker, Mary Fletcher - Hillman, Jessie, b., d. 1899, sp. Wm. Hillman, par: Moses Walker, Mary Fletcher - Rathburn, Sarah E., b. 1855, d. 1916, sp. Stephen Rathburn, par: Moses Walker, Mary S. Fletcher |
72 | 1810 Court Minutes Dickson County, Tennessee, Moses Walker purchased land |
73 | HAWES
SCHOOL MEMORIAL - MOSES WEBSTER WALKER. The next master of the school was a man
of quite a different temperament from his immediate predecessor. In fact there ould
scarcely be found two men more widely contrasted in their methods of discipline than
Masters Page and Walker. Moses Webster Walker, A.B., was the son of Benjamin and Hannah (Webster) Walker, of Atkinson, N. H., at which town he was born June 17th, 1810. He was educated at Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., graduating at that institution in the class of 1831. A year after his graduation, when he was but twenty-two years of age, he was appointed principal of the Hawes School. He assumed the charge of the school as the successor of Mr. Page and as the sixth master, on the 28th of August, 1832. He knew of the disorganized condition of the school, and he was resolved to put a stop to the outrageous conduct of the scholars and to assert his authority in a manner that should admit of no doubt as to his intentions. An opportunity for this purpose presented itself on the very first day of his experience as master. His attempts to preserve order were opposed and ridiculed by a boy named Harrington, who was called to the platform and severely flogged for his offensive conduct. Master Walker's first words to the school indicate him as a man of firmness and determination, whatever may have been his other qualities. Part of his account of this affair to the committee is here given : " I found the scholars collected and in great disorder. I took the chair, stamped loudly upon the floor, and called the school to order. And here for the first time Harrington attracted ray attention, by continuing his talk and laughter. I again enjoined silence, directing my remarks particularly to Harrington, after which the house was still. I then said : ' Hear me. I see many things which I do not like, and which must not be continued. I am about to command you to do some few things, and I shall speak but once. Be careful to obey me promptly, as a failure in this respect will expose you to certain punishment.' Seeing a great part of the scholars supporting their heads upon their hands, with elbows upon their desks, I said to them, ' The first thing which you are to do is to take your elbows from those desks.' This was instantly done by all except Harrington, to whom I again addressed myself, in a manner which left no room for his mistaking my meaning. Upon this he removed his elbows from his desk, but assumed a smile in which I read his character. The children were then told to fold their arms, and to remain in that position until further orders. This was done; but I now observed that Harrington and two or three in his immediate vicinity were casting looks at each other and laughing. They were ordered to take those smiles from their faces ; whereupon Harrington removed his arms from the position in which he had just been commanded to hold them, placed his elbows on the desk, his hands before his face, and continued laughing and looking from behind his hands at the boys about him." Master Walker goes on to state that after this third exhibition of his indifference he thought it necessary to make an example of the boy. He was accordingly called to the platform, flogged several times and made to perform several tasks. These he did reluctantly at first, but finally submitted with a good grace, and was then allowed to take his seat. This occurrence was the occasion of considerable excitement upon its becoming known outside the school limits. The father of the boy whipped, Mr. Leonard Harrington, complained to the committee that his son " was cruelly beaten and wounded by Mr. Moses W. Walker, master of the Hawes School, South Boston, for no such misconduct on the part of the boy as would have justified tlie infliction of even moderate chastisement, much less the aggravated whipping he received." Ho requested an investigation, with a view of obtaining redress in case his charges against the master were sustained. The investigation was held, and the master defended his conduct in a straightforward manner as appears from the foregoing extract. It seems evident from this account that the boy was a very refractory pupil, probably a ringleader of others, and certainly needed strong measures to repress him. The case was referred to a special committee appointed by the school committee. Both sides were heard, the evidence of pupils present at the time of the affair was taken, and the opinion of a physician who was called to examine the wounds was given. From all this testimony it appeared to the committee that the master was not angry at the time he punished the boy, but was perfectly cool, and that the boy's injuries were not such as to show cruel punishment. Master Walker was therefore sustained by the committee, and he continued his course of punishment for nearly a year and a half, until he had brought the school to a good state of discipline. This description affords an excellent illustration not only of the local but of the general system of discipline in the Boston schools of half a century ago; for it must be remembered that at that time the infliction of corporal punishmentwas much more common in the schools than at the present time. Master Walker was probably not more severe in this respect than were many of his cotemporary masters ; and when we consider his youth being but seven or eight years older than some of the oldest boys, and at an age when the temptation to give way to excitement and passion is often too powerful to successfully resist the wonder is that he controlled himself so well, not that he punished so often, when the low state of the school at that time is kept in mind. But while Master Walker may have secured the proper obedience and discipline in his pupils, the main question remains to be answered ; whether the system of bodily whipping has a tendency to bring forth the highest forms of school education by inspiring fear of the master and so compelling the pupil to learn his lessons. The system of corporal punishment has been frequently discussed. It has been both defended and denounced with vigor for many years ; until, thanks to the advancing civilization of the present day, it has mainly disappeared from our school system. The plan of learning lessons under compulsion is of little value ; and that education is the poorest which is inspired by fear of, not love for, the master. Compulsory lessons are soon forgotten, and the time bestowed on them is mostly wasted. But that system which creates an interest in his lessons in the mind of the pupil, and which fosters that interest by extraneous and ingenious ways, is of all methods the best yet discovered to enable the pupil to retain and remember what he has learned ; and such a system can best begin by the scholar having a respect and love for his teacher, so that he listens with interest and not with indifference to what is told or explained to him. Such a system, as will shortly be seen, was soon put in practice at the Hawes School with the best results. Master Walker was not only sustained in his government of the school, but was promoted; for in 1833 he was made equal in rank to the masters of the other schools, a position since held by all the masters. But while he had the confidence and support of the committee, he did not succeed in winning the respect of the citizens of South Boston who were opposed to his severity of discipline ; and after a term of nearly a year and a half he resigned his position on the I4th of January, 1834. He was immediately appointed grammar master of the Mayhew School. This school was considerably older than the Hawes, having been founded in 1803, at the corner of Hawkins and Chardon Streets, at the request of the citizens of West Boston who needed another school. It was originally a school for boys, and was named for the Rev. Jonathan Mayhew in 1821. It afterwards became a school for both sexes, and remained on its original site until 1847, when another school-house was erected on Hawkins Street, at some little distance from the first one. The school was discontinued in 1876. Mr. Walker succeeded Mr. William Clough as grammar master in 1834 at the old school building, and while in charge of it he had the assistance of Mr. Aaron Davis Capen as writing master, who was formerly an assistant at the Hawes School, and has been previously noticed in this work. The Mayhew School was finally organized under one head, and for boys only. While master of the Mayhew School, Mr. Walker was married on the 30th of April, 1834, to Miss Sophia Rebecca Cutter, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth (Nutting) Cutter, of Charlestown, Mass. By this marriage he had two sons. His eldest son, Edward M. Walker, was a volunteer in the Union service during the Rebellion, and was present at the battle of Bull Run as a member of the Fifth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. Master Walker's life was a brief one. He died at Boston on the 22d of November, 1838, at the early age of twenty-eight years, five months and five days, and was the first of the masters of the Hawes School to pass away. He governed the Hawes School for a period of a year and a half, and the Mayhew School for nearly five years until his death. It is a fair presumption that had lie lived to more mature years he would have made an excellent master. His defects were seemingly those incidental to youth. In character he appears to have been self-reliant, energetic and firm, and in intellectual training he was apparently well equipped. In his service of over six years as an instructor nothing appears against him that the committee could condemn, and when advancing age had given him that steadiness and reflecting power that comes with it, his record for efficiency and usefulness would probably have made him a teacher of high reputation. That he was rash, eccentric in his system of punishment and possibly headstrong, maybe admitted; but that he was intentionally violent or cruel in his methods is a charge that cannot be sustained by any evidence in his career. Master Walker's widow remained as a teacher at the Mayhew School for several years after the death of her husband. |
74 | Lancashire:
Broughton-in-Furness (Kirksby Ireleth) - Parish Register, 1634-1812 - 06 May 1771
Moses Walker, Birmingham, sadler & Agnes Postlethwaite, sp., lic. Lancashire: Ireleth - Registers of Baptisms, 1754-1784 and Marriages, 1745-1753 - 14 Oct 1741 Moses s. Robert Walker, clerk. b. 16 Sep 1741 |